The Positive Energy Workplace


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Leadership Coaching Tip: The Daring Art (and Heart) of Recovery

How many times have you had a situation at work, or at home, where you felt ‘knocked off-kilter’, ‘thrown for a loop’ or ‘disgruntled’?

Probably not often (wink). But for you who have experienced something like this, think about a particular situation. Did it come from a meeting, conversation or project that didn't go so well, some harsh feedback, a flub as a public speaker or something that you just didn't expect? It often feels like "failure."

It happens to us all, and as painful as it is, this is a place where there lies an abundance of opportunity for growth in effective leadership.

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Work/life Balance: How Personally Sustainable are You?

How much energy do you have? How sustainable is your leadership? Do you pull off your work at the expense of your family, your health or your peace of mind?

To lead with courage and authenticity, successful leaders must develop personal energy that lasts through sustained change. Energy leadership realizes a true impact at work and at home.
Busy days, full schedules and heavy workloads are here to stay. These facts won’t change, but how you engage them can. The hero’s journey starts here.

As a business and life coach, I’ve seen that true success involves more than making your numbers or building a powerful team. True success and personal fulfillment happens when you’ve found a way to make EVERY part of your life work, and to navigate the challenges of your work/life balance.

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Bringing DTE Home: Recovery in Motion in the Cold

Enjoying the beautiful and chilly season? We are! We've been in the Midwest for 8 years now and every year, my California blood has to re-adjust to these temperatures! Brrrr.

I am often asked by people all the time,"Why in the world would we leave California to come to Illinois?" It's days like this that I can really get on board and start colluding with folks in this question. You can imagine my internal dialogue:"Why did we move here? Why is it so darn cold? What were we thinking? Gosh it's horrible, horrible, horrible!! Brrr!"

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Setting Intentions & Action Plans for 2008

Hi there! Thanks for visiting the new blog! We are in the midst of giving the DTE Site a bit of a makeover and this is part of it. Would love to hear your responses, many of the changes are coming as we grow deeper and deeper into this brand, and many have actually come from some wonderful constructive feedback from loyal clients, colleagues and friends.

But enough about us...let's talk about you...

Have you created your 2008 intentions yet? What about the action plan to make those intentions real?

As we come to the end of this year and reflect on what 2007 has been for us, I find myself quietly buzzing with excitement of the potential of 2008. I was going to say "the promise of 2008" and stopped myself, because really there are no promises, are there? It's up to us to make sure that we stay focused, authentic and in action in order to make our 2008 intentions a reality. And even with the best laid plans, sometimes the outcomes are not what we'd expect. Life happens. Plans change. Relationships grow or corrode.

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