The Positive Energy Workplace

Creating Positive Energy and Safe Space via Weekly Culture Check-In Chats (2 min read)

We recently had a team meeting where we got very little done. We had a list of five things to knock out, we completed two. Why? We ended up having a significant conversation about our culture and how we were each doing. This conversation wasn’t planned – it organically unfolded through our Culture Check-In Questions:  

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Side Out! Creating Our Experience at Work, at Home, and... on the Volleyball Court

Last year I wrote a piece about “holding your space” in chaos. I wrote that piece sitting at a volleyball tournament rebooting between bouts of feeling tortured by “no coffee or food allowed on site,” a wicked early wake-up call on a weekend, a long-ass drive, a cold-ass gymnasium, screaming parents and whistles, and confusing scheduling. All of which resulted in my cumulative snarkiness. (I won’t even mention “their’s” ;-)).

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You have something you really want to do in your organization. Or with your partner. Or in your life.

But there's a quiet fear that they just aren't going to go for it.

And you really want it. You know in your heart of hearts that this is important. What do you do?

Shut it down before it's even started, blame it on the infamous "they" for not letting you be fabulous, and let it go? OR get in there, face it head on, and make it happen?

If you're doing it for the right reasons and your leadership wisdom is taking you there--yeah--you get in there.

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5 Ways to Connect and Build Trust With People


You're leading a team meeting, your employee asks you for feedback or advice, your kid wants an extra bedtime story, your spouse really needs you to listen to her, your investor has a couple of questions, your client wants to run something by you. Everyone wants a piece of you, and there's not a lot to go around and not a lot of time. You have one million and one things going on, only one of you, and you have to Show Up. One more request or demand, and you might just implode.

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7 Awesome Acts of Kindness for Your Employees


It's been a big year and your employees worked hard, so why not send them into the new year with an extra boost? They'll come back ready to roll and more inspired than ever. Here are 7 things you can do this week to love them up and send them off.

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