Leadership, Culture, Impact | Active Choices, Inc. | Anese Cavanaugh | The IEP Method®

"DTE Infusion" High Impact Retreat Event - Coming in October

Written by daretoengage | June 24, 2008

This just in! We've just secured the location and date for the first DTE sponsored, open enrollment, high impact one day retreat style event, the DTE Infusion. The date is set for Friday, October 24th in Lisle, Illinois, in one of the most beautiful settings you can imagine.

Stay tuned, I'll be making announcements, offering calls and doing all sorts of that stuff, AND I wanted to let you know the date is set! So if you're interested in participating in an event that will have an inspiring, lasting and immediately actionable impact on your business AND life...please plan on joining us on October 24th, 2008.

Space will be provided for 30 forward thinking, innovative, motivated and committed business leaders who want to take themselves, their businesses and their lives to the next level and would like a serious infusion of "daring to engage" to support them in doing so. This will be a full day devoted to YOU, your business, what you'll need to do and who you'll need to be (in your business and life AND with your people) to take it to the next level and create sustainable and progressive results. Stay tuned for futher details.

Know that this is for you NOW and want more information? Send us an email and we'll get back to you shortly! Info@DareToEngage.com