Leadership, Culture, Impact | Active Choices, Inc. | Anese Cavanaugh | The IEP Method®

The Hidden Myths About Presence That Hold Leaders Back

Written by Anese Cavanaugh | September 5, 2024

Lately, I've noticed that three common myths about presence often disempower and exhaust leaders:

  1. You either have "presence" or you don't.
  2. Presence is "soft stuff," so it's often not prioritized for growth and development.
  3. Presence can be faked.

There are other myths to address, but for now, I'd like to focus on these three and invite you into a way forward...


Myth #1: You Either Have "Presence" or You Don’t

Everyone has presence. It’s just that the difference in the quality and effectiveness of your presence depends on how attuned you are to yourself, your internal alignment, and the structure you use to ensure your presence is authentic and impactful. 

Myth #2: Presence Is "Soft Stuff" and Not a Priority

While it may seem intangible, presence is not just "soft stuff." It is the energetic force—often palpable—that influences everything we do. Business, relationships, health, finances, parenting,, intimacy, creativity, collaboration, design, sales, connection, culture, and more are all profoundly affected by your presence. Show me an area where you're dissatisfied with your results, and I will show you where a lack of presence is involved. The good news? You can do something about this.

Myth #3: Presence Can Be Faked

You can try to "fake it 'til you make it," but… not really. While this may work temporarily or get you through a tough moment, it's not sustainable. People sense your lack of congruence, and honestly, faking anything is a core contributor to burnout.


Your ability to connect, lead, influence, and also prevent burnout are highly impacted by your quality and depth of presence. And you absolutely can do something about it.


For more than twenty years, I have worked with leaders and organizations on presence, leadership, culture, innovation, and performance. Across all industries, leadership roles, and organizational sizes, these elements remain consistent:

  • Our presence IS our impact. 
  • How we show up matters. 
  • Presence is absolutely coachable with the right intentions, energy, and frameworks to support it.

My body of work, the IEP Method® (Intentional Energetic Presence®), has been developed over the course of my career and is now available in a self-study format. You also have the option to join a membership to stay engaged and integrate this work into your daily life. I invite you to explore this offering and consider how it can support you in deepening your presence and impact.

Thank you for caring about leadership and for showing up with me in this journey,


Ready to Up-Level Your Leadership and Presence?

If you’re interested in an immersive, two-day, in-person experience with me where we dig into you and your presence and performance with other incredible leaders, please join me in Washington, D.C. on October 22-23, 2024. Learn more and save your seat here. Those who join us will get access to Introduction to IEP Method® and more as part of your enrollment. Hope you can join us!


At Active Choices, Inc. we offer a variety of pathways to support you and your company, from training pathways, experiential keynotes, and memberships in the Positive Energy Workplace Initiative™ community platform. Learn more at ActiveChoices.com