The Positive Energy Workplace

5 Ways Your Personal Beliefs Are Holding You Back

There’s something super powerful running your “show”… and you may not even be aware of it. See if any of these scenarios are familiar...

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5 Tolerations Hindering Your Leadership - Eliminate Them Now

I moved into my house 7 months ago. There’s a doorstop the previous owners placed by the garage door that every time I walk by it, it annoys me. It’s not a big deal. It’s just that I get a momentary flinch of “ugh ick” every time I walk by it. And then it’s gone, I forget, and I leave it there and go about my business. Only to repeat the cycle the next time I see it. This is a silly example, but it has energetic impact.

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Can You Really 'Have It All'? How to Increase Your Odds

You have likely encountered the question "Can you really have it all?" as well as the answers that come with it: "Yes, you can," "Yes, but not all at once," "Not a chance," "Not unless you're Beyonce," or "Not if you want to be happy and have any semblance of a life."

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7 Commitments You Can Make (and Keep) in 2016 for High-Impact (and Energized) Leadership

January! You're deeply back in the office, you're many days into new resolutions, goals, intentions, promises to self, commitments—whatever your fancy. By mid January (right about now), many will ditch all of these. Apparently there's even a little holiday called "Ditch New Year's Resolution Day" on January 17th to honor this fact. Did you make it through? Make some changes? If you've thrown in the towel or even if you're just wavering now—there are some things you can consider to help take yourself and all those great intentions and commitments with you gracefully, powerfully, and successfully, into 2016, well past January.

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3 Leadership Super Powers for Joyful Success

I was in New York on business working with clients last month. Flying cross country in the middle of December is always a bit of a gamble with weather, holidays, winter bugs, and delays, but I’ve found it’s also one of the most meaningful and intimate times of the year for non-pixelated connection and conversations, so I went.

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