The Positive Energy Workplace

Are You Ready to Unlock Company Culture Change? Start with This Critical Action

The Financial, Performance, and Cultural Cost of Misaligned Energy

Discover how the IEP Method® and the Positive Energy Workplace Initiative® can enhance your leadership and support your workforce.

How Presence and Energetic Awareness Impacts Profitability

Transforming Culture by Identifying and Addressing Energy Issues [Video]

ACI Executive Symposium: IEP Method® Leadership Panel

Leadership in Action: Celebrating Women's History Month and International Women's Day

The IEP Eco-System: Creating Sustainable Growth in Your Company Culture

Prioritizing Personal Energy Accountability in Your Organizational Growth Strategy

Are You New to the IEP Method®?

Are You Ahead of the Game? Why Proactively Optimizing Your Company Culture Makes Strategic Sense

Unlocking Culture Innovation: How ACI's PEW-i Credential Program Energizes Your Workforce

The Positive Energy Workplace: 7 Indicators of a Positive Company Culture (Part 2)

The Positive Energy Workplace: 7 Symptoms of a Toxic Company Culture (Part 1)

Why The IEP Method® is the Leadership Framework Needed to Make an Impact

Are Your Cultural Initiatives Working?

Are Your People IN? Ensuring Committed Energy in 2023.

5 Areas for Creating Cultural Health that Business Leaders  Can Use to Determine if They Have a Culture & Leadership Problem

Is the way you (or your people) are showing up ruining your sales/influence/leadership abilities?

Self-care IS a leadership skill — but what about when the people around me don't agree?

Creating an (authentically) Positive Energy Workplace™ & Leadership (video)

Navigating Ambiguity, Toxic & Healthy Culture Makings, and Updates (video)

Navigating Today: Kindness as a Leadership Skill + Culture Builder.

How are you Showing Up for the Great Resignation?

What is Your Relationship with "Busy"?

Are you burning out? Are your people?

Teaming Takes Time: 3 Considerations for Teaming Well

That "Little" Voice: Do You Listen to It?

The Energy of a Reset

Meetings that Suck the Life Out of You (And what to do instead)

How we do one thing is how we do everything

Cultural health starts with individual health — and YES, it’s contagious...

Addressing Resiliency & "Self-Care" with Your Workforce.

You KNOW what you know. The power of self-trust.

Stop. Breathe. Consider your leadership contagiousness.

Becoming in 2021

How the conversation has changed this year...

10 Components of a Sustainable (Healthy) Culture as we Lead Into 2021

The Financial & Cultural Cost of IEP (or no IEP)

A guide to using Contagious You & Contagious Culture during a Contagious Pandemic.

Resources I'm finding useful right now

100 Days: Who will you become? What will you create?

Let yourself have it: Honoring all the parts, minimizing NONE

Honoring funerals, pandemics, leadership, and the light...

Optimizing your virtual presence now

Reasons we get stuck (and what to do about them)

The value of doing your "inner work" to RESET right now

7 Things Your Leadership Needs Now

Navigating the new "busy" now...

Your Monday Morning (or any morning) Leadership Ritual

States of Grace, Reflection, Learning, and Action

How your leadership will make or break this “reset” (+5 real things to do about it now)

The emotional toll... Are you aware? (You are not alone.)

IEP Leadership & Culture Resources Available NOW

A Letter to a Client (and anyone who finds it useful) for moving through COVID-19

How we’re here to help during this time: Resources, books, and virtual keynotes and engagements

CONTAGIOUSNESS Today (& Ways to Help Things Go "Better" for Ourselves & Others)

What are you designing for?

Your Leadership & Culture: Recent Media

Updates, news, and... What are you choosing? Really?

#YouAsked: Preparing for transitions in our lives and creating our experience

7 and 7 for Welcoming 2020

Navigate Conflict with Those You Love and Lead by Working These Three Things

Gratitude... A gift in itself

#YouAsked: The power of the "pause"​ when struggling with deadlines...

Contagious You vs Contagious Culture: How They Differ

Addressing "Busy," Burnout, Overwhelm, & Self-Care Through Culture

Are You Trick or Treating? A 5-Point Guide to Congruent Leadership

5 Meeting & Mindset Hacks -- For you and your team's health, productivity, and clarity.

How We Create Our Own Burnout and What to Do Instead

Self-Agency with Your Commitments (and Results)

The 4 P’s: Your Quickest Way to Get in Front of Burnout. Right Now.

Addressing Burnout and Self-Care from the Inside-Out and the Outside-In

When pipelines are low and stress is high.

Your 3, 5, and 7: What are they?

IEP Live! Coming to Sacramento this October

What you can do about it now. (7Qs to move forward.)

Soul Vacationing and Restorative Insight

Who are you becoming?

Make Your Weekend Count: 11 Little Choices To Do So.

Are you "busy" or are you "clear"? Clearing your field.

Out of Gas? The new OOG Reboot.

What do you spend your time on? 3 Ways to Optimize.

Do you finish what you started? (5 ways to do so.)

Getting comfortable with your discomfort

How to reboot when intentions fall apart.

How do you set an intention?

What is an intention? (And why is it important?)

How to make "busy" and "overwhelm" work for you.

Are You Measuring the Right Stuff to Support Your Best Personal and Cultural Health?

Making IEP REAL in your life -- RIGHT NOW: Bonus Videos

Leadership Presence: 3 Essential Principles

Do You Rescue, Help, Take Care of, Support, or Serve?

The Power of the Pause: Your Leadership (and Well-Being) is Counting on It

Creating Positive Energy and Safe Space via Weekly Culture Check-In Chats (2 min read)

What Tone Have You Set Today? (2 min read)

Side Out! Creating Our Experience at Work, at Home, and... on the Volleyball Court

The "Secret Sauce" is Closer Than You Think

Bonus Article! Are You Trick or Treating? A 5-Point Guide to Congruent Leadership

Using the 70/30 Rule to Up-Level Your Leadership Impact

Could you use an extra 5 or 15 days for your life?

Show Up, Set the Tone, Do it Well: Nine Ways to BE HERE NOW

How you show up matters. Set the tone for 2018 with this choice.

The Real Cost of Time (and How to Create More of It)


Time’s Not Just Money, It’s Your Credibility

Choosing to Show Up (and Rebooting When You Don't)

Sometimes a breath, a decision, and a stand is all you need to do to get back to you.

You Want It, But Will You Show Up to Create It? 7 Ways Forward

Take the Day Off to Lead Better Tomorrow: 25 Ways to Show Up

You’ve Got This… But You Have to Set Yourself Up Right For It. Here’s How.

5 Ways to Rock Your Weekend and Come Back Even Stronger

3 Things You Can Do (and Be) Right Now to Up-Level Your Leadership & Culture

It Wasn't 2018's Fault. 2019 is Not the Hero. Wherever We Go, There We Are.

#ProjectImpeccable: Create a Stronger Foundation and Improve Your Leadership

13 Anchors to Ground You in 2017 (and a Personal Share)

5 Questions (and "Answers") to Increase Your Leadership Confidence Now

10 Things to Say or Do to Get Your Life Back

Are You Cool or Cruel With Your Feedback?

What I’m Learning From Teaching My 16 Year Old How to Drive (Not for the faint of heart)

Your Environment: Leadership Kryptonite or Super Power?

5 Leadership Game Changers to Put Into Play Today

Signs You’re Sucking Energy Out of the Room (and What to Do About It)

Is That Hot Dog Worth Your Next Promotion?

How to Build and Nourish Trust (Even After You've Lost It)

The 1 Thing Your Clients Aren’t Telling You (and What It’s Costing Your Company)

7 Phrases That Will Make Your Day More Positive and Productive

You Set the Tone, You Create Your Reality, Lead.

3 Leadership Skills You Should Never Compromise

Is your language limiting your joy and discrediting your leadership?

5 Ways Your Personal Beliefs Are Holding You Back

5 Tolerations Hindering Your Leadership - Eliminate Them Now

Can You Really 'Have It All'? How to Increase Your Odds

7 Commitments You Can Make (and Keep) in 2016 for High-Impact (and Energized) Leadership

3 Leadership Super Powers for Joyful Success

12 Days of Questions for Optimizing Your Leadership, Honoring Yourself, & Crafting a Powerful 2016

5 Ways to Rock Your Holiday (and Only 1 of them has to do with Gratitude)

3 Ways to Prepare for a Successful Meeting

10 Books That Boost Leaders' Creativity, Care, and Cultural Knowledge

5 Heartful Soul-Nourishing Lessons in Launching Anything Big

5 Ways to Navigate When Stuff Goes Painfully Wrong

Do You Really Want It? 3 Golden Questions for Creating What You Want

3 Ways to Have Your Customers at “Hello” and Build Long Lasting Relationships

3 Leadership Skills You Must Master for Optimal Productivity, Impact and Joy

How to Make Your Presence Count Even When You're Not in the Room

You’re Contagious. And That’s a Good Thing!

5 Socially Grievous Things You Must Do to Be Successful

How Understanding the Power of “Intention” Can Improve Your Life

Honoring Your Inner Wisdom to Optimize Your Leadership Presence

5 Qualities of Good Feedback

Fueled By Gratitude and Impact

3 Ways You May Be Holding Your Team Back

Here's Something Contagious You Need to Catch

5 Things That Will Help You Create a Deeper Connection With People

3 Leadership Tweaks That Will Boost How You Impact People

5 Ways to Make Your Working Relationships Better

Is Your Lack of Vision Exhausting You? The Power of a Where and Why

Leading Your “Work/Life” Balance This Summer, Part 2

Leading Your "Work/Life" Balance This Summer, Part 1

5 Fail Safe Questions for Creating Intentional Leadership

This Is When You Should Take Time Off

How to Protect Yourself Against Second-Hand Stress

Business on the Road: 5 Ways to Travel Well

5 Signs You're Creating Cultural Hierarchy & 5 Signs Your Team Feels It.

How to Prepare Your Workplace for the Next Generation of Employees

It's Not About Time Management. Engaging & Leading the Scatterbrain. Innovating Through Collaboration, Not Competition

Change Your Face, Change Your Impact. Your Employees Want a Calling, Not a Job

Want Better Relationships? Mend Your Relational Energy (with Video) Your Leadership Prowess Rests on These 3 Things (Part 3)

93% of Your Leadership Impact Is Going to Waste Your Leadership Prowess Rests on These 3 Things (Part 2)

Want Greater Impact? Better Check Your Intention! (with Video) Your Leadership Prowess Rests on These 3 Things (Part 1)

Top 10 Ways to Tackle Being Ticked Off (with Video) 3 Things You Must Do Before Any Meeting, Conversation, or Meal

How to Avoid Getting Sucked into the Lowest Vibration (with Video)

Video: What Do You Mean, You’re Too Busy to Innovate?! 7 Ways Your Feedback is Making Things Worse

How to Give Impactful Performance Reviews and Feedback (with video) How to Prove Your Naysayers Wrong

How to Navigate Change Instead of Avoiding Change

5 Ways to Connect and Build Trust With People 5 Ways to Optimize Your Executive Presence

How to Set Boundaries When You're Busy

How to Go From Showing Up to Creating Powerful Results

Do Not Go Into the New Year Without These 7 Things

7 Awesome Acts of Kindness for Your Employees

12 Ways to Make the Most of Your Holidays

Make it Count: Reflecting & Intending Into 2015.

The Cost of Leadership Presence in Your Organization

So so so BUSY?? 10 Reasons Your Work-Life Balance Is Out of Whack

You just never know... Stay true, keep going, breathe.

You can't get ____ done, until you've decided.

5 Places to look for more impact and greater joy.

5 Apps to Help Bring Out the Best in People (Including Yourself).

Keys to unlocking your team's potential ... and keeping your best talent

"Be" about it. Secrets for making your year, and your impact, right.

Cultural View vs. Cultural Do: 7+ Steps to Shifting Culture