The Positive Energy Workplace

Stop. Breathe. Consider your leadership contagiousness.


Experiencing our collective entry into 2021 and immersed in news about this week's events – plus the intensity on almost every front of 2020 – it's felt harder to read "motivational" posts, books, or articles lately – or to write them (which is tricky when you’re in the business of leadership and growth and your livelihood is dependent on your ability to hold your space, hold space for others, stay clean vibe, and serve). However, I also know that as a coach, advisor, teacher, and human, my job is not to motivate or fake my state, it’s to hold space and offer inquiries for people to think about things honestly and in ways that may support their growth, leadership, congruency, and peace.

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100 Days: Who will you become? What will you create?

As of 9/23 (tomorrow) there are ONE HUNDRED days left in 2020. One hundred days to make the rest of the year mean what you want it to mean for you, to become who you want to become, and to do your very intentional best with.


There is not a lot we can control right now, lots of uncertainty and chaos. And... we can control ourselves, how we show up, the meaning we make of things, how we treat ourselves and others, how we think about things, our rest, our hustle, our choices, and what we do about all of it... with 100 days left in the year (after 9/22), and with a lot of intention, energy, and presence, we can make more meaning out of this time and more space for ourselves, our congruency, and each other. Do you realize how much and what you can do with 100 days?  Especially if you're intentional about them?

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