The Positive Energy Workplace

Is Your Organization Healthy?

Qualities you'll find in a healthy team/organization*:

  • The organization's vision is shared, communicated and alive. People have bought into it and know how their role directly supports it.
  • People are self aware AND self possessed (in other words, they're self-aware AND able to shift behavior/do something about their impact)
  • Systems are in place so people know what to do, how to do it, and who does it (and can cross function in roles)
  • People are literally healthy and energized
  • People have fun (even during tough times)
  • Profits are healthy
  • Employees are engaged
  • "Give back" is valued; charitable contributions in the community via time, money, mentoring, etc. are supported and offered for the sake of giving back and being helpful vs. for the sake of "being seen as charitable"
  • Benefits are fantastic and people feel valued
  • Employees are devoted to great customer service and customers are thrilled and energized
  • People bring their best selves to work every day - not because they HAVE to, but rather because they WANT to.
  • People can tell the truth, give feedback, ask for help
  • Collaboration is the norm
  • Trust and expecting/assuming good is the under current
  • Action happens with positive accountability & systems to support it
  • When tough times come - the team rallies, allowing creativity and actionto permeate vs. "doom and gloom"
  • People look for things to go right vs. things going wrong - and when they find something going wrong, they address it and turn it around quickly
  • People are matched in the right roles
  • People lead from their strengths, know their blind spots and leverage their "weaknesses"
  • Conflict is viewed as opportunity for better solutions
  • Work/life balance is supported and modeled by all - especially leadership
  • People take ownership for impact - and are self aware of their contributions for good or bad.
  • No stifling of creativity or truth -- rather it's "created from", embraced, applauded and valued.

Which of these are you doing really well? Which of these could use some energy, attention and focus? Have more to add? Add them here!

*This list is an extension of the short article "Is Your Organization Healthy?" written for DTE Members in my monthly column. If you would like to receive access to this article (and others), you are most welcome. Simply register in the box on the right hand side of this blog (you'll also receive a free audio and paper as an additional welcome gift.) These articles are offered with my compliments and as a means to serve you in your business, life and leadership. Enjoy!

Daring you to get into action,

Anese Cavanaugh, Founder, Dare To Engage, Inc.