The Positive Energy Workplace

Are You Ready to Unlock Company Culture Change? Start with This Critical Action

In our decades of work with organizations and groups through keynotes, workshops, and private sessions, a recurring theme began to surface that I observed and wrote about in Contagious Culture: Show Up, Set the Tone, and Intentionally Create an Organization that Thrives and Contagious You: Unlock Your Power to Influence, Lead, and Create the Impact You Want.  This key element proved to be the first step that set up companies for success or destined them for continued struggles.
Energy is contagious — for better or for worse — which means that each of us has a personal responsibility to building awareness to our energetic presence and impact — most importantly the highest level of leadership in an organization. (Looking at you, C-suite and executives.)
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The Financial, Performance, and Cultural Cost of Misaligned Energy

Misaligned energy in your company can lead to significant financial losses, decreased performance, and a negative impact on company culture.

Elevating your company’s ability to innovate and achieve forward-thinking outcomes requires a revolutionary approach to cultivate a resilient and energy-focused culture.

Discover how Intentional Energetic Presence® and the IEP Method® empowers your leaders and workforce to collaborate effectively, consistently take aligned action, and contribute to a positively contagious and resilient company culture.

"When companies are stuck and curious why they're not getting a return on investment from other programs, 9 times out of 10 it has something to do with the IEP (Intentional Energetic Presence®) and misaligned energy."

— Anese Cavanaugh

In this recorded session, you'll hear more from Anese Cavanaugh (CEO of Active Choices, Inc. and founder of the Positive Energy Workplace Initiative®) and Jenny Wiley (Director of Programming & Community Growth at Active Choices, Inc.) and learn how teams, departments, and companies have been learning and practicing the IEP Method® and experiencing significant improvements in company culture, employee satisfaction, and sustainable profitability.

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Discover how the IEP Method® and the Positive Energy Workplace Initiative® can enhance your leadership and support your workforce.

The Active Choices, Inc. team is happy to provide a comprehensive overview of our latest IEP Method® offerings designed to enhance your leadership training, development, and company culture initiatives. 

Check out the recording below to learn more about the most recent data influencing workplace culture, innovation, leadership, and performance, as well as the inspiring results and updates from The Positive Energy Workplace Initiative® (PEW-i) powered by ACI.

Hear the various IEP Method® training pathways available for your company, along with the options for collaborating directly with Anese and our faculty.

Finally, you'll get a sneak peek of our community platform where partners can access training materials, resources, and support to kickstart their journey towards becoming a Certified Positive Energy Workplace.

"You have an energetic presence, and you have a culture.
The question is, how intentional are you about it?"

— Anese Cavanaugh

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The Positive Energy Workplace: 7 Indicators of a Positive Company Culture (Part 2)

In our previous blog post (Part 1), we shared indicators that your company may not be a Positive Energy Workplace. If you missed it, make sure to check it out because it's essential to understanding what might be holding your organization back from reaching its full potential.

But today, we're flipping the script and focusing on the signs that show your company is already a Positive Energy Workplace AND in growth and optimization mode! We recognize these indicators in the Positive Energy Workplace Initiative™ (PEW-i), and they are worth celebrating because they demonstrate that your organization is on the right track and creating an environment where your team can thrive.

So, let's dive into what a Positive Energy Workplace DOES look like:

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