The Positive Energy Workplace

Life Coaching Tips Revealed: How to Engage Your Power Source

Take time now to notice your personal energy. How are you feeling? Notice how present you feel in your body. Notice your posture, and whether or not you are tired. Just notice. Are you fuzzy? Are you clear? Are you joyful? Are you energized?

What impact does your physical and mental energy have on your ability to make decisions, get things done and engage with others? Does your energy and self-care make you feel like you are being your own hero, at work and at home? Does the way you care for yourself honor you and your work/life balance?

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Business Coaching Tip: Dare to be PRESENT - or what's the point?

As a business coach, I ask my clients, "Have you ever had any of these

~ You drive home from work and then don't remember how you got

~ You sit through a meeting or business coaching session and can't
account for what happened in the meeting, the outcome or the

~ You read a book to your child or grandchild and can't recall what
the book was about.

~ You work out and have so much mind chatter that you're not even
sure what muscles you were working.

~ You have a conversation with a colleague and miss the important
undercurrents of that discussion because your mind was elsewhere.

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Dare to Engage Personal Sustainability: The Lynchpin of Effective Leadership

If you are going to lead the way, you’re going to need some tools to support you on your path. Competence, instinct, inspiration, integrity, joy and the ability to engage people and create results are just a few of these things. There is something deeper. Often taken for granted, screaming for attention when it’s missing, foundational to all other qualities: “Personal Sustainability.” When you have it, you don’t notice it; when it’s borderline, you ache for it; and when it’s gone, you beg for it.

What is “personal sustainability?” Some executive coaching experts call it “self-care.” I define it as doing those things that bring your self alive, nurture your body and soul, give you more joy, energy, stamina and OOMPH, so you CAN engage again and again, making the impact you want in your life and organization.

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Work/life Balance: How Personally Sustainable are You?

How much energy do you have? How sustainable is your leadership? Do you pull off your work at the expense of your family, your health or your peace of mind?

To lead with courage and authenticity, successful leaders must develop personal energy that lasts through sustained change. Energy leadership realizes a true impact at work and at home.
Busy days, full schedules and heavy workloads are here to stay. These facts won’t change, but how you engage them can. The hero’s journey starts here.

As a business and life coach, I’ve seen that true success involves more than making your numbers or building a powerful team. True success and personal fulfillment happens when you’ve found a way to make EVERY part of your life work, and to navigate the challenges of your work/life balance.

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