The Positive Energy Workplace

5 Steps to Create Intentional Impact with the IEP Method® by Anese Cavanaugh

What kind of impact do you intend to have today?

It’s one thing to mean well — it’s another to actually create the impact you want.

Setting clear intentions (whether for yourself or with your team) saves time, energy, and resources while bringing focus and alignment.

You are always making an impact, and you have the power to consciously set an intention for how you want to experience each moment and how you show up for others. If you don't set a conscious intention, the default, unconscious intention takes over — leading to the feeling that "life is happening TO me."

The IEP Method® (Intentional Energetic Presence®), created by Anese and used by Active Choices, Inc., includes the 5 Steps to Intentional Impact to help you show up intentionally and create the impact you want. 

With packed schedules, back-to-back meetings, and dynamic challenges, it can be hard to stay present and intentional. That’s why these five steps are so valuable to practice personally and with your team.


Review the 5 Steps to Intentional Impact:

  1. Identify Your Outcomes
    What are the 3-5 things you want to achieve from this meeting, project, or conversation? These are the key results or next steps you want to walk away with. Being clear on your outcomes gives you and your team a shared focus.

  2. Intend Your Emotional Impact
    How do you want to feel? How do you want others to feel during and after the interaction? Whether it’s feeling heard, supported, or inspired — deciding on the emotional tone helps shape a more meaningful and productive experience.

  3. Intend Your Presence
    How do you need to Show Up to create the outcomes and emotional impact you want? Consider your energy, physical presence, tone, and attitude. Your presence influences how your message is received and how people respond to you.

  4. Check Your Beliefs
    What do you need to believe to support your desired impact? Your mindset shapes your presence. For example, if you want to encourage teamwork but secretly doubt your team’s abilities, that belief will show up in your actions and tone. Align your beliefs with the impact you want to create.

  5. Get Into Action
    What practical steps will you take to support your outcomes? Identify three specific actions to keep things on track. This might include clarifying expectations, providing resources, or asking thoughtful questions to guide the conversation.

What kind of impact do you want to have today — and how will you Show Up to create it?

Get a free digital copy of the IEP Sheet featuring the 5 Steps to Intentional Impact. This practical tool will help you and your team align intentions, energy, and actions for more effective outcomes.

The Impact of Using (or Not Using) the 5 Steps to Intentional Impact

Imagine you’re leading a team meeting on a major project. You decide to apply the 5 Steps framework before stepping into the room. You outline clear outcomes so that everyone knows what success looks like. You aim to create an environment where people feel valued and heard. You show up with focus, positive energy, and openness. You check your beliefs to make sure you trust your team and the process. Finally, you take action by facilitating the conversation, addressing key points, and ensuring everyone leaves with clarity.

The result? Clear decisions, stronger teamwork, and a motivated group that feels empowered to move forward. Beyond that meeting, the positive ripple effect continues — people feel more confident contributing ideas, communication improves, and future collaborations become smoother and more effective.

Now, picture the same meeting without using the 5 Steps. You jump straight into the agenda without clarifying outcomes. The discussion feels scattered, people talk past each other, and questions go unanswered. Your presence might feels rushed and distracted, which sets the tone for the room. By the end, decisions are vague, and your team leaves feeling confused and disengaged.

And the ripple effect? Unclear expectations lead to rework, strained relationships, and decreased trust. People hesitate to speak up in future meetings, and the lack of alignment slows down progress across the organization.

By practicing these five steps, you can create a culture where people feel clear, supported, and empowered—whether you’re leading a meeting, working on a project, or navigating tough conversations.


Ready to Get Started with the IEP Method®?

At Active Choices, Inc. we offer a variety of pathways to support you and your company, including strategic consulting and advisory, experiential keynotes, and memberships in the IEP Method® community platform. Learn more at

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