The Positive Energy Workplace

The Financial, Performance, and Cultural Cost of Misaligned Energy

Misaligned energy in your company can lead to significant financial losses, decreased performance, and a negative impact on company culture.

Elevating your company’s ability to innovate and achieve forward-thinking outcomes requires a revolutionary approach to cultivate a resilient and energy-focused culture.

Discover how Intentional Energetic Presence® and the IEP Method® empowers your leaders and workforce to collaborate effectively, consistently take aligned action, and contribute to a positively contagious and resilient company culture.

"When companies are stuck and curious why they're not getting a return on investment from other programs, 9 times out of 10 it has something to do with the IEP (Intentional Energetic Presence®) and misaligned energy."

— Anese Cavanaugh

In this recorded session, you'll hear more from Anese Cavanaugh (CEO of Active Choices, Inc. and founder of the Positive Energy Workplace Initiative®) and Jenny Wiley (Director of Programming & Community Growth at Active Choices, Inc.) and learn how teams, departments, and companies have been learning and practicing the IEP Method® and experiencing significant improvements in company culture, employee satisfaction, and sustainable profitability.


Interested in viewing the full recording of this session?

Contact us and we'll be in touch within 24 business hours with details to view the replay!

Ready to Up-Level Your Leadership?

At Active Choices, Inc. we offer a variety of pathways to support you and your company, from training pathways, experiential keynotes, and memberships in the Positive Energy Workplace Initiative® community platform. Learn more at


If you’d like to stay connected and continue the journey together, here are some great ways to get started:

  • Reach out if you’d like to schedule a connection call to discuss your unique opportunities and explore options together. We'll share more about ACI’s available program tracks, and how you can begin the journey to earn your IEP Method credentials and build a Certified Positive Energy Workplace.

  • Learn more about the IEP Method® and the Positive Energy Workplace Initiative®, and how to enhance your leadership and support your workforce, plus current partnership pathways available. 

  • Register to join an upcoming executive session to learn more about how the IEP Method can positively impact your leadership presence and increase the ROI of other training initiatives. Learn more and save your seat here.

  • Download our new eBook and companion videos sharing the top 3 company culture blind spots and insights.


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