I worked with a client recently struggling with giving his employees feedback; he’d give it, but they didn’t seem to take it or make any shifts that indicated they were absorbing it.
The Power of the Pause: Your Leadership (and Well-Being) is Counting on It
One of the most common questions I’m asked is “What is the quickest thing I can do to make my leadership presence better? Quickest, easiest, most effective…”
Creating Positive Energy and Safe Space via Weekly Culture Check-In Chats (2 min read)
We recently had a team meeting where we got very little done. We had a list of five things to knock out, we completed two. Why? We ended up having a significant conversation about our culture and how we were each doing. This conversation wasn’t planned – it organically unfolded through our Culture Check-In Questions:
What Tone Have You Set Today? (2 min read)
Everywhere we go, everything we do, everyone we engage with — we set the tone. In our office, on our team, at the dinner table, at the grocery store, in our morning commutes, with our workouts…