The Positive Energy Workplace

ACI Executive Symposium: IEP Method® Leadership Panel

This month's executive symposium featured a panel discussion exploring how the IEP Method® can be utilized in real-time to create healthier and authentically positive impact in the workplace.

You’ll hear from Anese Cavanaugh and leaders from various industries who have experienced and used the IEP Methodology to up-level their leadership skills and impact workplace culture.

Tune in for an inspiring conversation filled with an abundance of leadership wisdom and insights, plus stories about the personal and organizational impact of Intentional Energetic Presence®: 


Interested in viewing the full recording of this session?

Contact us and we'll be in touch within 24 business hours with details to view the replay!


Key Highlights & Quotable Moments:

(04:30) What is the IEP Method®, and why is it important in our conversation about creating a healthy company culture?


(06:18) The importance of focusing on energy in leadership and the health of your workforce (versus engagement) to create more safety, creativity, and innovation.


"Some people may have historically called some of this soft skills. These are power skills that are financially distinguishing factors that make a difference in every organization. Every company needs to have this."
— Mick Lee


(08:40) The importance of using the IEP Method to support creating a culture of safety in the transportation industry.


(12:00) How the IEP Method supports a sales leadership team and translates in a corporate setting.


(14:09) The IEP Method in enterprise-wide settings, financial services, leadership nonprofit, and with senior-level entrepreneurs.


"Every one of us has the ability to lead in every discussion that we're having in every meeting that we're in and every situation we're in, how we show up matters." — Mick Lee


(20:00) Using the IEP Method as an individual practitioner in a large organization


(23:40) Creating awareness around the differences between IQ, EQ, and Intentional Energetic Presence®


(25:00) Using the IEP Method to impact the way you lead others and creating a growth-oriented mindset and language with your team.


(35:00) Example of using the IEP Method in a team meeting with a full agenda and limited time.


(42:00) Slowing down as a leader and creating space for receptivity and growth.


"Learning to receive recognition is a big piece of what [ACI teaches] in their trainings. How do you receive that information? What does it mean to you? Are you taking in? Are you hearing it? And once I put that lens on and was honest with myself to see when I take in, I realized that I'm really good at hearing the negative, but I don't always hear the positive." — Kim Ahearn


(47:00) Leadership insights and best practices for showing up with aligned intentions, energy, and presence.

"A shortcut to noticing if your mental and emotional energy is being drained is to ask yourself: 'Is the way I'm talking to myself... receiving feedback... being in relationship with others... creating expansion or contraction?'"  — Anese Cavanaugh


(50:00) Considering the IEP Eco-System in your energetic awareness. (Pro Tip: Check out more insights on the Organizational IEP Eco-System here!)


(53:00) The badge of 'busy' and preventing burnout.


"A huge a-ha moment for me was that 'busy' is causing burnout. Busy is causing stress. Busy is causing contention within teams, busy causes blame. And when you base your professional self worth or personal self worth on busy, it's an unhealthy mindset." — Woodson Witt

(58:00) The tangible personal and organizational impact of using the IEP Method® to support navigating a multi-million dollar lawsuit.


"Once I rebooted, it brought me back to center and it gave me courage again, and it allowed me to set my intentions. Once I set my intentions, I walked in every day of the 13-day trial and I was able to connect authentically with the jury. I felt at peace with what was going on. I felt in a state of truth." — Woodson Witt


(01:07:00) The cumulative effect of practicing the IEP Method and building healthy habits for yourself and your team.


(01:10:00) The cost of disengagement and not focusing on the energy of your workforce.


(01:17:00) How to approach situations where others are resisting organizational change and positive energy leadership.


Deep gratitude and special thanks to our panelists:

Ready to Up-Level Your Leadership?

At Active Choices, Inc. we offer a variety of pathways to support you and your company, from training pathways, experiential keynotes, and memberships in the Positive Energy Workplace Initiative™ community platform. Learn more at

If you’d like to stay connected and continue the journey together, here are some great ways to get started:

  • Join us for our virtual open house on May 2nd if you’d like to learn more about how you and your company can learn and use the IEP Method® to support your company culture. Save your seat here.

  • Download our new eBook and companion videos sharing the top 3 company culture blind spots and insights.

  • Reach out if you’d like to schedule a connection call to discuss your unique opportunities and explore options together.

Become a Certified Positive Energy Workplace 

Join us on this transformative journey to create workplaces where everyone thrives, performs at their best, and drives lasting impact!


Contact us today to learn more about ACI’s available program tracks, and how you can begin the journey to earn your IEP Method credentials and build a Certified Positive Energy Workplace.


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