The Positive Energy Workplace

IEP Live! Coming to Sacramento this October

We interrupt our normal programming to bring you this special announcement:

This Fall's IEP Live! Leadership & Influence Immersion is ramping up! With Contagious You coming out less than a month later, this is going to be a special one-of-a-kind session.

New content, new practices, a special module on navigating "busy and burnout before it navigates you" (no kidding), a module on "IEP Rituals" and "morning leadership practices," a preview of the next book and our new IEP Activator Program, not to mention the normal stuff I put into these events, will all be happening on October 23rd and 24th in Sacramento, CA.

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What you can do about it now. (7Qs to move forward.)

I have things I‘ve done in the past that I would now do 100 times differently; decisions I’ve made, the way I’ve written or spoken about something, the way I’ve navigated a relationship, the way I’ve judged something, the way I’ve parented, the way I’ve shown up in conflict -- I could make an exhaustive list.

I have few regrets. I do have “frets.” Few regrets because I can turn just about anything into a gift and a productive lesson (anything), frets because there are some things that I will “fret” on, rework in my head, and even try to change the outcome of. Sometimes for years. It’s not a full-time job, it doesn’t wreck me, but these frets can be quietly present, draining precious mental and emotional energy (even when they’re unconscious), but especially when the situation comes into memory or impacts the present state. When they show up in my consciousness, I can go to the “Land of What If.” Know it?

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Soul Vacationing and Restorative Insight

This past weekend was one of the best weekends of my life. Did I go anywhere? Hang out on a beach? Unplug? Do nothing? Party with friends? Get ten massages? No.

Forty-eight hours that were so restorative I felt like I'd gone on a two-week vacation. When the weekend completed I was clear and awake to questions I'd been percolating on for months and not been able to access answers to.

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Who are you becoming?

We are always becoming... more of ourselves, less of ourselves. More in alignment and in integrity with ourselves, less so. More helpful, less helpful. More in tune, less in tune. More on our path to mastery, less on our path. More of a contribution to the people and things we care about, less so.

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Make Your Weekend Count: 11 Little Choices To Do So.

It's Friday. Let's go. Set the weekend up. Ready? Whether you're working this weekend, with your kids, traveling, visiting family, caring for someone, taking your partner out, picking up dog poop, sitting home and planning to stay in PJs all day binging Netflix, or whatever else, there are some things you can do to not only nourish YOU for the weekend (and up-level your positively contagious factor), but nourish and prepare for your upcoming week.

I'm often asked about daily routines, weekend schedules, how to "get in front of things," and simple ways to set ourselves up. What I notice is this: The big results happen in the little choices. (Click to Tweet.) It's often not the big things that create the greatest results, it's the little choices, made over and over again that create the true magic. With that, here are some littles...

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