The Positive Energy Workplace

13 Anchors to Ground You in 2017 (and a Personal Share)

For any of you who know me, you know that every year, at the end of the year, I send out a list of questions for reflection of the closing year, intentions for the new year, and a share of some of my own greatest learnings. I love doing it and it feels like an important ritual that grows me in different ways each time.

If you're familiar with this process, or are on my mailing list, you likely also know that every year, I say the year was BIG. Rich. Educational. Serendipitous. Painful. Delightful. Always learning from both. Always expansive (if I let it be). My heart, soul, and brain integrating as I go.

This annual ritual serves me, those I love and lead, and the incoming year, very well.

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5 Questions (and "Answers") to Increase Your Leadership Confidence Now

I was working with a brilliant business leader last week on her leadership impact with her team. She's smart, huge heart, highly talented, and wicked quick (I'm heading to Boston right now as I type -- excuse me while I get my "Boston" geared up). She needed some support with some of the team dynamics she was seeing -- specifically around trust and safety on the team. She also had a strong sense she was a part of creating said dynamics.


We got to work. Dug in. Half way through our conversation I asked her three questions:


What was she doing to take care of herself on a daily basis? What was her level of self-trust? And how kind was she to herself?


Simple questions. I was curious.


She burst into tears.


This is not uncommon.


I get to work with all sorts of people in all sorts of industries, in all sorts of positions, in all sorts of rooms, and at all sorts of venues.


Here's the thing, no matter who the human, the industry, their position, or their intended impact... these humans engage to be even better. They Show Up to lead.

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10 Things to Say or Do to Get Your Life Back

No doubt, there is a lot going on for people and business right now. I know there always is -- and this last month alone, with the level of growth, break ups, business reboots, politics, and downright drama - up-leveling, creating your life, healing, navigating authentically, and making magic (your way) are all on my mind.

No matter where you're at right now in this moment; feeling crowded, heart-broken, conflicted, in too much pain to stay but too comfortable to go, frustrated, completely overwhelmed, or overjoyed - in regards to a personal OR business relationship or whatever - here are 10 things you might try, do, or say to work your path over and move forward more powerfully. Take what serves, toss what doesn't, and tweak at will to fit your big beautiful life and impact.

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Are You Cool or Cruel With Your Feedback?

I was facilitating a multi-team session recently when the topic of dealing with "tough employees" came up. Apparently there was an employee who was making everyone's life miserable. And no matter what they did, he wasn't shifting. They didn't feel like they could fire him yet, so they just worked around him, tolerated him, complained to each other, and hoped it would get better.

Or that he would go away.

They said they'd done everything to address this situation.

They had...They had done everything except:

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What I’m Learning From Teaching My 16 Year Old How to Drive (Not for the faint of heart)

My boy just got his permit. I’ve aged about 5 years in the last week. It’s a magical time. It’s brought out the best and the worst in me. This a.m. after he set my nervous system on fire driving to school, and I’d had time to drop back into my body and reflect… I realized how much I’m impacting his performance and experience with, YEP, my very own presence and being. For your viewing (and perhaps giggling and/or empathic) pleasure, here’s a bit of a window into that experience. OF COURSE, I’ve looped this right back into how this is a leadership lesson. 

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