The Positive Energy Workplace

Get in front of "stress"... create "balance"

Years ago when I started coaching clients, I bought into the idea (for a very short snippet of time) that life could be perfectly balanced and SHOULD be perfectly balanced and that it was all about getting the "wheel of life" balanced into equal "scores" to create peace and balance in their lives.

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Loving your problems? Dare to love the solutions more…

I was talking to one of my sisters this a.m. (can’t say which for confidentiality – and I have 4!) about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. And what creates happiness. And what doesn’t. We got to talking about problems. And solutions. And what has to be present to move a problem from the point of being a “problem” to a solution. Component #1? You have to love the idea of creating a solution – MORE than you love the idea of having your problem. Think about that. Seems obvious, but in my experience it’s not. As is often the case – the idea is not rocket science – the active implementation of it is.

Ever seen this? “I’m having a problem….xyz…I hate it, it’s hard, I wish I could solve it, I want it to go away.” Ever said this? “Hmmm…What about? Or? Would this be helpful? Here’s another way of looking at it…How can I help?” And then by any bitty chance, have you ever gotten this response? “Uggh…no, my that won’t work, nor that, or that, my problem is unique, it’s different, it’s hard, you don’t understand, if I do that than this might happen, it’s hard, it won’t go away, gosh I wish I could solve my problem!” Or some version of that? Likely you’ve heard and spoken your own. I think we all have at least once! (Grin.)

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Moving from stuck to "unstuck" & loving every minute of it...

Two things on my mind today in particular this morning. Both of which have been inspired by conversations with other hungry human beings and clients who seek to optimize their abilities to do great work and to lead really great lives and organizations.

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It’s all about leverage and connection! DTE articles published in tng worldwide magazine…

It abruptly dawned on me today that I’ve been “holding out” on my list in sharing one of the ways we’re (DTE) leveraging ourselves with others to share our articles and information. Being that “leverage” and “connection” are two of my primary values, I’m surprised I didn’t share this yet, but then again, that’s common with “invisible values” (those values that are so close to you, you just take them for granted.) Anyway, here’s the scoop and ways you can get access to more information and learn about another cool publication!

This past year I set the intention to leverage myself more so that my company could have more impact and connect more with other like-minded business leaders in the simplest, most congruent, and most energy efficient ways possible. Lots has happen this year to help me manifest that intention! One of the ways it’s shown up is in the invitation, earlier this year, to be a regular contributor to tng worldwide magazine. They’ve been publishing these articles for the last 3 issues now and have been wonderful to work with. You can find all of these articles, and more, on our “news” page. Articles include topics such as “Dare to Create Opportunity” (especially apropos right now), “Dare to Elevate Engagement” (another good one), and “Dare to Eliminate Gossip” (never goes out of style…) Check them out, I hope you find them helpful! By the way, if you’d like to learn more about tng worldwide read more here…

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Is Your Organization Healthy? In Every Sense of the Word?

Is your organization “healthy”? How about your team? If you knew that the beliefs you held and the actions you took today (even small), would positively impact the health of your organization tomorrow, would you do it? I'm guessing you would.

While many think of "health" in the more traditional sense as "health & productivity," or fitness and wellness, it actually goes much deeper than that, offering tremendous opportunities for impacting your organization's emotional, energetic, and fiscal well being. Just like with attending to a personal fitness program, where you do something for your health every day to move you towards greater wellness, you can do little "somethings" everyday to move you towards organizational wellness. It doesn't take a lot, but it does take intention and focus.

This short article is about creating organizational health from the "inside out." Having a somewhat eclectic background in kinesiology, health & productivity, energy management, and leadership development, this is a topic near and dear to my heart, and one I find that provides lots of opportunity to help leaders stay on their "edge."

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