The Positive Energy Workplace

CONTAGIOUSNESS Today (& Ways to Help Things Go "Better" for Ourselves & Others)

This information was shared in our bi-weekly contagious leadership conversation broadcast (which is subscription-based). Given what we’re all going through right now, we wanted to provide this information on a bigger scale. Stay well. Stay present. Wash your hands. Breathe.

We talk about contagiousness a lot. In my world and in this work, this word is most often used when referring to   energetic, emotional, attitudinal,  and   cultural  contagiousness. In today's world, as we all know, we are deep in the conversation of   physical  contagiousness and COVID-19. It's a daunting time, it's scary. And the range of responses -- from terrified, freaked out, and buckling down, to hash-tagging coronavirus smears and flying all around the world enjoying empty planes and upgrades, to somewhere in the middle -- makes it even more daunting, confusing, overwhelming, and anxiety producing*. 
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When pipelines are low and stress is high.

I've talked with several people and organizations this quarter who are stressing about pipelines, culture, and organizational results. These three things go together. They all effect each other. And they're a big opportunity to reboot, remember, and revise.


In times of stress it's more essential than ever to remember the why, the who, and the intentions behind it all. It's also when it's most essential to take excellent care of ourselves. We can't do our best work, or bring in our best business, or have our best impact when we're "in scarcity," stressed, and scared.


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Creating Positive Energy and Safe Space via Weekly Culture Check-In Chats (2 min read)

We recently had a team meeting where we got very little done. We had a list of five things to knock out, we completed two. Why? We ended up having a significant conversation about our culture and how we were each doing. This conversation wasn’t planned – it organically unfolded through our Culture Check-In Questions:  

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Could you use an extra 5 or 15 days for your life?

Hello in August!

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5 Heartful Soul-Nourishing Lessons in Launching Anything Big

Well… today is the day. Contagious Culture: Show Up, Set the Tone, and Intentionally Create an Organization that Thrives hits bookshelves at retailers near you. It may be impossible for me to write a fantastic post today (I’m sure I’ll have greater wisdom and insight to share in the next couple of weeks once some of the dust has settled and it’s all sunk in), and in the meantime… I couldn’t not say hello today. 

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