The Positive Energy Workplace

Make Your Weekend Count: 11 Little Choices To Do So.

It's Friday. Let's go. Set the weekend up. Ready? Whether you're working this weekend, with your kids, traveling, visiting family, caring for someone, taking your partner out, picking up dog poop, sitting home and planning to stay in PJs all day binging Netflix, or whatever else, there are some things you can do to not only nourish YOU for the weekend (and up-level your positively contagious factor), but nourish and prepare for your upcoming week.

I'm often asked about daily routines, weekend schedules, how to "get in front of things," and simple ways to set ourselves up. What I notice is this: The big results happen in the little choices. (Click to Tweet.) It's often not the big things that create the greatest results, it's the little choices, made over and over again that create the true magic. With that, here are some littles...

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Out of Gas? The new OOG Reboot.

It was 10 a.m. yesterday when I felt "done" with my day. Out. Of. Gas. The previous week had been physically, mentally, and emotionally intense with special attention being needed in the land of "being a mom," "leading a team," "completing" a vendor relationship early, working with clients, and finishing the book! (Which is the picture on this post today. I've named it "Organized Meaningful Chaos." That is the book, and its many stages, cut chapters/sections, timelines, etc. ALL in one place on my table before going into "the book box.")

I'd been doing my IEP practices, taking care of myself, nourishing my mindset. I'd even just come off a weekend, and yet -- I was done. Ready for a beach.

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What do you spend your time on? 3 Ways to Optimize.

As the old saying goes, "We all have the same 24 hours in a day and 7 days a week..." and then, "it's what we do with them that makes us different," or "that we spend them on what truly matters," or whatever your preferred version of this is. Whatever your preference, it boils down to this; how we spend our time and energy creates our outcomes and results.

And, good news, how we set the tone for our day, hour, meeting, or conversation creates more time. And even better news, it's not really about time; it's about energy, setting ourselves up to be the best use of us, and the way we relate to and think about time.

So what do you spend your time and energy on, how do you set the tone for your day, and how do you support yourself to create what you want?

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Getting comfortable with your discomfort


How far you go with your leadership is directly related to how comfortable you can be with your discomfort. It's going to be harder to lead at your greatest edge, grow people optimally, have hard conversations, hold boundaries, and stretch out of your own comfort zones if you're not comfortable with being uncomfortable.

How well you can hold space for another human being is directly related to how comfortable you can be with your discomfort. It's going to be harder to hold space for someone to be in their own pain, to be angry, to be struggling, to be in their own discomfort, (or even to be fully shining and rocking it!), if you're not comfortable with your own pain, anger, struggle, discomfort, and shining.

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How do you set an intention?


So how do you set an intention?


If you've read the last two morning's posts and can see how intention relates to you, you're halfway there.


There are two parts to setting an intention:

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