The Positive Energy Workplace

Addressing "Busy," Burnout, Overwhelm, & Self-Care Through Culture

I’ve been speaking about “busy” and burnout — navigating it, healing it, and avoiding it — for years. In my work, I’ve found there are several components, that when addressed proactively (and reactively as required), can support us in managing ourselves through it and even avoiding it all together.

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Are You Trick or Treating? A 5-Point Guide to Congruent Leadership

In the spirit of today's holiday, these points are dedicated to “trick” — leading inauthentically and wearing a mask, or “treating” — leading congruently, no mask, just YOU.

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5 Meeting & Mindset Hacks -- For you and your team's health, productivity, and clarity.

Are you spending a lot of time in meetings? How about in your head? Both have value. Both overdone are exhausting. So this week, try one or all of these five ways to make your meetings and mindset better. 

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How We Create Our Own Burnout and What to Do Instead

“Am I truly burnt out, or do I just need a nap?”

I love the conversations I get to have with people about where they’re at in their leadership journey. This comment came from a group I’d worked with last year. We’d been discussing burnout, overload, and mindset. And after taking a minute to get away from everything and getting truly present to what was what in each person’s life (personally and professionally), one of the participants posed this question.

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Self-Agency with Your Commitments (and Results)

In my article on #TuesdayTreats earlier this week I talked about how we create our reality and results through what we are committed to (if you do not receive these weekly notes, you can get them by subscribing on my communications list).


In Tuesday’s article, I posed the question: "What are you (truly) committed to?" And offered that the answer to that question can be found in your current results, outcomes, and how you feel.


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