The Positive Energy Workplace

It's Not About Time Management. Engaging & Leading the Scatterbrain.

module3_img4I get questions from subscribers and participants all the time about random things that relate to leadership, presence, energy, collaboration, dealing with their mom, changing something that they're afraid to change, etc. All sorts of Qs. I try to respond to every single one. Sometimes these Qs inspire articles. Sometimes an exercise. Sometimes a post. You just never know...

Today I thought I'd start sharing some of these in simplest form with the intention that there just might be something gold in here for you. If this is helpful to you, and you like this format, let me know—like it, share it, whatever your fancyand I'll keep doing it.

Read More › Innovating Through Collaboration, Not Competition

In my last post about preparing for leadership in the year 2020, I talked about shifting your culture's mindset from "jobs" to "callings" and tapping into purpose to energize, fuel, and bring out the best thinking and intrinsic motivation in your employees. I also mentioned that part of the secret sauce to building a meaningful highly energized team (and organization) is to tap into the mindset of collaboration vs. competition.

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Change Your Face, Change Your Impact.

shutterstock_98005580I get phone calls almost every week from people who are brilliant, in high positions, making great money, super talented, awesome ... but ... They're not quite having the impact they want to have. For some reason, it's just not happening.

Read More › Your Employees Want a Calling, Not a Job


As we move towards 2020, workforce trends will require that leaders hire talent based on their callings, and not just to fill a job.

In order to innovate to the next level in your organization, to attract, cultivate--and keep--top talent, and to inspire and tap into the greatest desires and creativity of your employees, you'll need to address 4 things: their sense of purpose and contribution, their sense of creativity and autonomy, their mindset of collaboration and partnership, and their own personal nourishment and self-care so they can do all they want to do and have the impact they want to have. Here are a couple of ways to tap into this NOW.

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Want Better Relationships? Mend Your Relational Energy (with Video)

Let’s talk relationships.

In the IEP model, you’ve got four different quadrants that make up your energetic presence:

  • Physical/Environmental
  • Mental/Emotional
  • Vibrational
  • Relational

They all interact with each other and have an impact on each other. Work on just impact the others too.

Relational Energy is one of the most important pieces in the IEP model.

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