The Positive Energy Workplace Your Leadership Prowess Rests on These 3 Things (Part 3)


Over the last two weeks, I've shared three primary ingredients for building stronger leadership prowess as an individual and as a team. The three were: show up for yourself (addressed in part 1), show up as a team (addressed in part 2), and hold a big "container" (which we're diving into now).

The "container" I refer to is not about holding someone in a box or constraining your employees, but rather about creating more belief, possibility and space; what you believe is possible for them, how you regard them, the potential you see in them, and how you hold them as whole, wonderful, magnificent, and capable--or not. The ability to hold a safe container is one of your leadership super powers.

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93% of Your Leadership Impact Is Going to Waste

What if I told you that you’re leaving a TON of potential impact, revenue and connection on the table?

Regardless of your leadership prowess—no matter how great it is—if your intention, energy, and presence aren't in alignment, you're leaving a ton of opportunity on the table. We are ALWAYS having an impact. Whether you're leading a meeting, or sitting in the back of the room—you're having an impact on your own experience, and the people around you.

This is your SUPERPOWER.

Read More › Your Leadership Prowess Rests on These 3 Things (Part 2)


Last week I shared one of three primary ingredients for building stronger leadership prowess as an individual and as a team:

  • How well they show up for themselves
  • How well they show up as a team
  • The size of the "container" they hold for each other and those they lead

In part one I gave you five places to look to nourish your own impact. This week I'm hitting up showing up as a team, and next week we'll wrap it up with ever awesome "Container Game".

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Want Greater Impact? Use the 5 Steps to Intentional Impact

How do you make your vision come alive?

With intention. The vision is where you're going, and the intention is the direction and energy you use to get there.

Your intention can be as big as your life or your business, or as small as a team meeting, an interaction with your child, or a project you're working on.

Read More › Your Leadership Prowess Rests on These 3 Things (Part 1)


I'm frequently asked to work with business leaders and their organizations to help them unlock leadership potential and build healthy cultures. Even upon the initial conversations, I can tell fairly quickly how easy our work will be and how quickly we'll create impact by three things:

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