The Positive Energy Workplace

Creating Positive Energy and Safe Space via Weekly Culture Check-In Chats (2 min read)

We recently had a team meeting where we got very little done. We had a list of five things to knock out, we completed two. Why? We ended up having a significant conversation about our culture and how we were each doing. This conversation wasn’t planned – it organically unfolded through our Culture Check-In Questions:  

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Side Out! Creating Our Experience at Work, at Home, and... on the Volleyball Court

Last year I wrote a piece about “holding your space” in chaos. I wrote that piece sitting at a volleyball tournament rebooting between bouts of feeling tortured by “no coffee or food allowed on site,” a wicked early wake-up call on a weekend, a long-ass drive, a cold-ass gymnasium, screaming parents and whistles, and confusing scheduling. All of which resulted in my cumulative snarkiness. (I won’t even mention “their’s” ;-)).

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The Real Cost of Time (and How to Create More of It)

Lately, everywhere I go, I hear the conversation of time come up. Over and over again. "I'm out of time," "ran out of time," "need more time," "have no time," "lost track of time," all offered in the context of a goal not met, a relationship on the rocks, five pounds gained, or a dream not realized.

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You’ve Got This… But You Have to Set Yourself Up Right For It. Here’s How.

I talk with people everyday who are up against something big — it maybe totally exciting, totally daunting, or all of the above. They maybe stepping into a new role, taking on a new venture, working through relationship stuff, looking to call in a relationship, working on their health, making more money, writing a book, launching their product, building their brand, whatever, you name it - there’s stuff. Big stuff. Exciting stuff. Daunting stuff.

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5 Ways to Rock Your Weekend and Come Back Even Stronger

A long weekend AND more impact?

What are you up to this holiday weekend? Whether you're working, playing, chilling, escaping to a beach, or hunkering down in your office, there are things you can do with a long weekend (or any weekend) to support you, your IEP (Intentional Energetic Presence), and your leadership. Use this weekend well, no matter what you're up to, and come back next week even stronger. Here are 5 ways to play...

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