This information was shared in our bi-weekly contagious leadership conversation broadcast (which is subscription-based). Given what we’re all going through right now, we wanted to provide this information on a bigger scale. Stay well. Stay present. Wash your hands. Breathe.
CONTAGIOUSNESS Today (& Ways to Help Things Go "Better" for Ourselves & Others)
What are you designing for?
You have a board meeting coming up that will require answers to hard questions, thoughtful delivery, an ask for support, and, if all goes well, will result in a stronger relationship with your board and a solid next step plan at the end of the meeting.
You have a training program you're about to launch that is costing your organization big resources in time, energy, money, and people. This training is the thing that will help your workforce get on the same page around culture, leadership, and the skills (and ways of being) required to do them well.
Your Leadership & Culture: Recent Media
In the last six months, I've done 79+ interviews, articles, and guest posts for the launch of Contagious You. Have you seen them? Many of them you can find on my Articles & Interviews page.
In the meantime, here are seven you may enjoy:
Updates, news, and... What are you choosing? Really?
Oh gosh... friends. The fodder for today is so rich. I've had so many things happen this last quarter that have informed much of my thinking, inspired me, and given me so many answers to questions I've been grokking literally for over a year.
I'm going to be addressing some of these things here on this blog over the next year -- I hope you'll join me. And I'll be doing it in mini posts and long. Business and personal. Leadership and culture. Whatever is true for me as I write. Note: The more personal stuff that I write about, I save for our AC #TuesdayTreats email subscribers (as well as articles and announcements and deals that I don't make publicly). Would love you to join me there as well. Subscribe here. For now, let's dig in...
#YouAsked: Preparing for transitions in our lives and creating our experience
Hi all, continuing to participate in LinkedIn's #YouAsked feature, here is a question I was given with my thinking to go with it...
“In two years, I'll be transitioning from 20 years in the military. How do I prepare for what is going to be, at least to some degree, culture shock and ensure I can fit in properly?” — Saundra U., Minnesota Army National Guard
(Note: Friends, these thoughts can apply to any transition in our lives, the bigger the transition and the more intense, the more important these become.)