The Positive Energy Workplace

How your leadership will make or break this “reset” (+5 real things to do about it now)

I met with a group of executives yesterday about what’s happening in their organizations as they navigate leadership, culture, and COVID-19. This morning I got a note about a CEO sending out a “panicked deck” before his meeting with investors. Later today I’m meeting with an executive who needs to get his head and heart clear before he communicates the next steps of the organization and asks his leadership team to step in and lead with him, not by force but by invitation....

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The emotional toll... Are you aware? (You are not alone.)


Digging into work yesterday I received a text from a client updating me on their status and letting me know that she, her team, and their healthcare organization (a hospital right on the frontlines in a highly affected area) were doing okay. I read the text and burst into tears. Gratitude and relief. 


My mom called me last night to check in. She's sheltering in home away from her kids and grand babies. My sister had brought her dinner and a conversation with grand babies "through her window." Homesickness, heartache, amusement, delight.

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IEP Leadership & Culture Resources Available NOW


Hi Everyone,

I hope you are staying safe, sound, being kind, and taking care of yourself and those you love and lead. This moment in time is surreal and I'm grateful to be in it with you. I am clear that we will get through this together and I, like you, am sitting with the experience, lessons, and quiet opportunities for becoming in it all.

We wanted to let you know about a few resources we've made available to you to help you navigate, and be more intentional with, all that's going on in the world right now. Most of them are gifted to lean into this moment, some are for fee with parts of proceeds going to support food security. All of them are offered with intention and heart. I hope you will find something here that serves you. (If you need/desire something different, or feel we can be helpful in other ways to you right now, please contact us here.)

And please help us pay this forward by sharing this post with your friends, family, and colleagues as you see fit. (Note: New video coming soon, we're updating as we go! /AC 7/20)

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A Letter to a Client (and anyone who finds it useful) for moving through COVID-19

I've received several notes from clients and colleagues asking me what I think and feel about all that's going on. After all, my two biggest books talk about CONTAGIOUS YOU and CONTAGIOUS CULTURE, and this whole body of work is about SHOWING UP for ourselves and each other. A most recent note really pulled at my heart, I gave it my best response in this moment and during this time. My team and I thought it might be useful to others. It's a long post, so digest as you wish. And as always, take, toss, or tweak as it serves. Love to you always. Stay safe.

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How we’re here to help during this time: Resources, books, and virtual keynotes and engagements

This information was shared in our bi-weekly contagious leadership conversation broadcast (which is subscription-based). Given what we’re all going through right now, we wanted to provide this information on a bigger scale. Stay well. Stay present. Wash your hands. Breathe.


My team and I are devoted to helping things go better, showing up well with you, bending and flexing to be as useful as possible, staying well and working our IEP ourselves, and serving you in this time in new ways as needed.

Here's how...

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