The Positive Energy Workplace

Top 10 Ways to Tackle Being Ticked Off (with Video)

Is someone in your life really ticking you off?

Is someone in your life really ticking you off?

If you’re working your IEP, taking good care of yourself, and paying attention to your emotional energy—you’re probably in pretty good shape. BUT...if someone is grating on your nerves and you’re getting a charge out of it, there’s a good chance that there’s something they’re reflecting back in YOURSELF that bothers you about YOU. Or, maybe you’re not saying something you need to say to them.

Instead of blaming that person for being annoying...look inside yourself to see if there's something you're doing or feeling that’s impacting your experience with them.

Read More › 3 Things You Must Do Before Any Meeting, Conversation, or Meal


Taking 5 minutes to check in before you dive in can be the difference between chaos and grace.

Heading into a meeting, a conversation, or a meal with your boss, your team, or your kid? Here are three quick and dirty things you must do to make that meeting not only productive, but enjoyable as well.

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How to Avoid Getting Sucked into the Lowest Vibration (with Video)

Are you the lowest vibration in the room?

Have you ever been in a meeting where 8 people in the room are really showing up and feeling great, but one or two people seem to be committed to taking all of the energy in the room? They’re unengaged, slumping, buried in their phones, grousing? That’s the lowest vibration in the room. And it has the gravity of a collapsed star.

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Video: What Do You Mean, You’re Too Busy to Innovate?!

You want to innovate, you want to create, you want to do things differently than you’ve ever done them before...but you’re TOO BUSY?! “THEY” won’t let you be creative? You can’t innovate when you're busy. You can’t innovate when you’re worried about THEM letting you innovate.
“Busy” is one of the things getting in the way of creating amazing things in the world.
Read More › 7 Ways Your Feedback is Making Things Worse

The quality of your feedback has the power to make or break results in your organization, strengthen or dissolve connection, build or break trust, and elicit creativity or carefulness. What's the quality of your feedback?

I find feedback to be one of the most important leadership skills people can work with yet also one of the most intimidating; people fear it, avoid it, sugar coat it, and "feedback sandwich" it leaving the receiver with diluted feedback, hurt feelings, and lost opportunities that do no one any good.

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