Diving into 2014 you likely have some intentions, or goals, or resolutions, or (if you’re really going for it) "resoulutions" set for the New Year. If you’re doing this process holistically, you’ve likely set them for yourself, your family, your team, your health, and your organization. And if you’re doing this like a fully embodied rock star, you’ve likely set a big core set of “being” intentions, followed up with sub-categories of “doing” intentions and goals for what you’re going to create this year.
January 7, 2014
Anese Cavanaugh
"Be" about it. Secrets for making your year, and your impact, right.
December 9, 2013
Anese Cavanaugh
Cultural View vs. Cultural Do: 7+ Steps to Shifting Culture
I was recently interviewed for an article about creating better cultures. A study had been done looking at how companies actually view the importance of culture and what they actually do about it...
June 9, 2013
Anese Cavanaugh
Remembering what counts... And counting the ways.
What counts?
April 3, 2013
Anese Cavanaugh
Want to add zero's to your business? Smiles to your peeps? Add Love to your leadership.
"The energy is way better in here... What's happening? It just feels better." "I'm not sure what's shifted, I just like working here more now." "I'm coming back, AND I'm telling my friends."