It was costing them roughly $288K a year. Conservatively. This number did not include lost opportunity costs, nor any hard costs. It was simply the expense of negative energy brought into a team meeting leading to lost productivity, distracted focus, and funky team dynamics*. It involved two people within a small team of eight. And a set of attitudes and negative presence that brought the entire room “down” – almost immediately. The culprit? Poor energetic presence and unintentional impact.
The Cost of Leadership Presence in Your Organization
So so so BUSY?? 10 Reasons Your Work-Life Balance Is Out of Whack
I did an interview yesterday on Sirius XM 126 (Urban View w/MaggieLinton). We talked a lot about "busy". It was an especially great time to talk about it with all the back to school kid shuffles people have going on this week and with all the awesome opportunities we have in business these days!
You just never know... Stay true, keep going, breathe.
I got a phone call a couple of weeks back from a gentleman I'd met at a conference over 5 years ago.
"You won't remember me, but we had a conversation over drinks, you explained your work, you asked me some questions, and I laughed at you. I promised to follow up and potentially do some work together, I didn't."
Wrong... I remembered him.
You can't get ____ done, until you've decided.
I've been considering my relationship with the word "decide" lately. I think it's one of the most powerful words we have in our vocabulary. I lean on it consistently. It "makes" me move. If you've worked with me or seen me speak, you know the stance I take on this gorgeous word. This word tickles.
But it doesn't always work out. Sometimes it needs some love. And sometimes it needs a bit more space and grace than others.
5 Places to look for more impact and greater joy.
From the trenches, and at 33k feet up in the air, 5 simple places to look for creating bigger impact while feeling great. Ready? Coming in hot...