We are always becoming... more of ourselves, less of ourselves. More in alignment and in integrity with ourselves, less so. More helpful, less helpful. More in tune, less in tune. More on our path to mastery, less on our path. More of a contribution to the people and things we care about, less so.
Bonus Article! Are You Trick or Treating? A 5-Point Guide to Congruent Leadership
We launched my latest book, THE LEADER YOU WILL BE: An Invitation, last week in Ann Arbor, MI. Our gracious host? The fabulous Zingerman’s Roadhouse.
5 Ways to Connect and Build Trust With People
You're leading a team meeting, your employee asks you for feedback or advice, your kid wants an extra bedtime story, your spouse really needs you to listen to her, your investor has a couple of questions, your client wants to run something by you. Everyone wants a piece of you, and there's not a lot to go around and not a lot of time. You have one million and one things going on, only one of you, and you have to Show Up. One more request or demand, and you might just implode.
You just never know... Stay true, keep going, breathe.
I got a phone call a couple of weeks back from a gentleman I'd met at a conference over 5 years ago.
"You won't remember me, but we had a conversation over drinks, you explained your work, you asked me some questions, and I laughed at you. I promised to follow up and potentially do some work together, I didn't."
Wrong... I remembered him.
You can't get ____ done, until you've decided.
I've been considering my relationship with the word "decide" lately. I think it's one of the most powerful words we have in our vocabulary. I lean on it consistently. It "makes" me move. If you've worked with me or seen me speak, you know the stance I take on this gorgeous word. This word tickles.
But it doesn't always work out. Sometimes it needs some love. And sometimes it needs a bit more space and grace than others.