The Positive Energy Workplace

Your Leadership & Culture: Recent Media

In the last six months, I've done 79+ interviews, articles, and guest posts for the launch of Contagious You. Have you seen them? Many of them you can find on my Articles & Interviews page.

In the meantime, here are seven you may enjoy:

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Updates, news, and... What are you choosing? Really?

Oh gosh... friends. The fodder for today is so rich. I've had so many things happen this last quarter that have informed much of my thinking, inspired me, and given me so many answers to questions I've been grokking literally for over a year.


I'm going to be addressing some of these things here on this blog over the next year -- I hope you'll join me. And I'll be doing it in mini posts and long. Business and personal. Leadership and culture. Whatever is true for me as I write. Note: The more personal stuff that I write about, I save for our AC #TuesdayTreats email subscribers (as well as articles and announcements and deals that I don't make publicly). Would love you to join me there as well. Subscribe here. For now, let's dig in... 

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7 and 7 for Welcoming 2020

How's your 2020 so far? What are you creating? Are you feeling nourished? Inspired? Or are you wiped out already? Are you excited about your plan? Feeling daunted by it? Or are you underwhelmed and need a bigger game? Or maybe you're ready to rock, but are having a hard time discerning next steps (or how to influence people to go with you), or maybe you haven't even thought about it because you're still recovering from 2019.

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Navigate Conflict with Those You Love and Lead by Working These Three Things

I had what I call a “growth experience” with my daughter recently. (Some would call this an argument.) I’m learning the ever-changing dance of parenting a highly intelligent teenage girl (who I love more than air) who is also learning her own ever-changing dance of becoming as she learns how to navigate a mom who asks a lot (a lot!) of questions. Despite the fact that I write books and help people show up and collaborate better for a living, it never pains me more than when one of my kids and I are in our own “missed collaboration.” In the end of course it all worked out -- after some back and forth, mutual disagreement, and love and respect as the solid truth throughout, we had an agreement to create a new plan moving forward that we could both be “good” with. Yay.

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#YouAsked: The power of the "pause"​ when struggling with deadlines...

I've recently been invited to contribute to a new LinkedIn feature called #YouAsked. Here is the question I was given today. My thinking around it follows.

“I struggle with deadlines, timelines, and timeliness (thanks, ADHD), which is an important part of my job. Does struggling with that mean I can’t ever do my job well?

How do I work to improve that while also showing that I am worth more than my biggest weakness?” — Melissa B., program manager at a Vancouver, Wash.-based nonprofit

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