The Positive Energy Workplace


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What's the Cost of Disengagement?

Food for thought on this lovely Tuesday afternoon...I've been "gathering evidence..." I've been looking at the cost of "disengagement" - in organizations, at work, at home, in our schools, on our teams. It's pretty significant. Emotionally. Energetically. Financially. Spiritually.

It's pretty much impossible to create magic and depth with a disengaged team, partner, spouse, student, etc. If you're creating it inspite of congratulations...and what could be possible with a little nudge of engagement?

What do you think? What's the cost of being unengaged?

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Dare to Engage Your Team

Make Room for Your Best Self and Do What You are Here to Do... Take a moment to ponder all that you are involved with in your life. Your organization, your family, your personal goals and commitments, health, finances, soccer games, etc.

Thinking about all that we have to do, and all we're committed to, can create a sense of overwhelm just in itself (although, our thoughts about what we have to do and how we "feel" about overwhelm are actually more stressful and overwhelming than the real tasks to be done - but that's a whole other article.)

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You have to want you?

How bad do you want it?

With every client I work with, I am reminded of three of the key elements absolutely necessary for success in creating change in our lives and organizations. We have to want it. We have to be willing to make the time, space and energy to do the work and hold the intentions to get it. And we have to take ownership for our results. No excuses. No blaming. No passing the buck. No “I’m so busy my goals have to go to the bottom of the priority list.” No “Somebody else has to change.” Nope, I’m talking, full responsibility and ownership for achieving the results we say we want. Period.

It’s okay if we’re not totally clear on what we want (in fact, much of my work is done helping people find that for themselves and, for some, it can take years to find “the thing” – so for those out there that are unclear, rest assured you’re not alone.) What is important is that there is a commitment and a yearning to be awake to the process, to see where we might be part of the “problem,” to pro-actively seek and take the time, to be willing to look and find the “no, not that’s” in our lives and to make conscious room in our lives to work on finding the big “YES.”

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Executive Coaching Tip: Dare to Engage in Self-Care for More Effective Leadership

Engage your health, energy and stamina to create the vitality and presence you need for powerful conscious leadership. Buddha said "To keep the body in good health is a duty otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear."

Some of the most important work I do with business coaching clients is in "clearing the decks". By this I mean creating the space for them to stop for a moment, be present and get clear on what's important to them. To actually get clear on what the impact is that they want to create. Doing this requires doing things to help themselves be as "clear", focused and conscious as possible. One of these things is self-care.

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Would you pay your people to quit?

It's an interesting concept. In yesterday's Chicago Tribune there was an article about and how they make sure they have the most engaged, committed and customer oriented employees...they pay them cash to quit. That's right, they literally give them the opportunity to "take the money and run" one week into their training with the company.

After the first week of new employee training, they offer new hires a good chunk of change to leave if they feel it's not the right fit. Interestingly enough, most people don't quit. They stick. And they like it. The impact: employees who are engaged, highly motivated and committed to their jobs, providing fantastic customer experiences. And that means greater revenue and profits which explains this organization's rapid growth and the attitude quoted by many of "You couldn't pay me to quit."

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