The Positive Energy Workplace

Navigating Ambiguity, Toxic & Healthy Culture Makings, and Updates (video)


My team and I get asked questions all the time about the quickest three things to do for this or that or all of the above. Building a healthy culture and an authentic Positive Energy Workplace™ takes awareness, honesty, intention, energy, presence, and action. It doesn't have to take a ton of time, however, you want to watch out for "doing" those quick three things just to the "check cultural health" box off your list.


If you are truly tending to your IEP (Intentions/ Energy/ Presence) and taking action from a place of awareness and service... you won't need a quick checklist, your culture will take care of itself. That said, if you do want some quick things to start paying extra attention to, I've shared some in the below video (timestamp below post).

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Navigating Today: Kindness as a Leadership Skill + Culture Builder.

I think we have to be extra kind to each other right now. I'm noticing in my work with clients, with things my friends and family are going through, and in my own life that there is this extra level of buzz, tenderness, and sensitivity that seems to go with more things than not right now. Tension runs high, misunderstandings feel faster, lots of flux in people's jobs and life decisions and relationships, some more "proving it" and "covering my booty" energy is showing up especially in corporate players (which is like literally the last thing our culture needs right now) -- not to mention politics, global warming, the latest in Texas, and oh, ya... the pandemic and... everything else.

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How are you Showing Up for the Great Resignation?

There has been a lot in the media lately about "the Great Resignation" and people leaving the workforce to start their own companies or move to others.


Burnout, stress, overwhelm, feeling unseen, unappreciated, and not on purpose being some of the key reasons cited. This checks. In the conversations I'm having right now with clients and colleagues this topic is coming up again and again. In the work I'm doing with leaders and their teams right now, versions of this topic come up in our one-on-ones. Lots of people are looking to leave. Lots.

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What is Your Relationship with "Busy"?


"Gosh, you are so busy!” is a statement I often hear from people. It’s an assumption people make based upon how I design my time and what I say YES and NO to. (It's often then followed up by them telling me some form of how busy they are, and that they wish they weren't, and how hard it is that we're all busy, and down the "busy spiral" the convo will go -- IF I let myself get hooked into their busy....)

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Are you burning out? Are your people?

“It’s naive to think in today’s day and age that an organization does not play a part in their employees’ wellness.”  -- Tara Ataya, chief people and diversity officer at Hootsuite.   

Last week's headline (linked above) said 95% of people are considering quitting their jobs in a recent survey, citing burnout and relentless work of the last year as a core reason.

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