The Positive Energy Workplace

How to Avoid Getting Sucked into the Lowest Vibration (with Video)

Are you the lowest vibration in the room?

Have you ever been in a meeting where 8 people in the room are really showing up and feeling great, but one or two people seem to be committed to taking all of the energy in the room? They’re unengaged, slumping, buried in their phones, grousing? That’s the lowest vibration in the room. And it has the gravity of a collapsed star.

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How to Set Boundaries When You're Busy


The energy of busy is killing us.

Yes, killing us. How's your life right now, dear reader?

Busy? Full? Crazy? Overwhelming?

You have your business, your life, your wife, your man, your kids, your friends, family, and pets, your mortgage...

It's daunting.

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You can't get ____ done, until you've decided.

I've been considering my relationship with the word "decide" lately. I think it's one of the most powerful words we have in our vocabulary. I lean on it consistently. It "makes" me move. If you've worked with me or seen me speak, you know the stance I take on this gorgeous word. This word tickles.

But it doesn't always work out. Sometimes it needs some love. And sometimes it needs a bit more space and grace than others.

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5 Apps to Help Bring Out the Best in People (Including Yourself).

I’m a big fan of tools. Anything that helps optimize productivity, presence, or impact, sign me up. I’ve downloaded many. Used some. Stuck with a few… Some have rocked my world. Some have fallen flat, only taking up precious space on my phone.

What I most love are apps that actually help bring out the best in people. Here, for your exploration pleasure are 5 apps I’m really keen on right now. Each of which is making my work better, my team better, and my joy better.

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Keys to unlocking your team's potential ... and keeping your best talent

The level of disengagement in the American workplace is staggering. But the solution is as simple as getting consistent feedback from your employees and providing positive feedback in return. [tweet_quote hashtags="@iepmethod" ]This feedback loop has been shown to increase employee engagement[/tweet_quote] as well as boosting creativity and productivity while improving retention.

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